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SILVANA DAVILA SILVANA DAVILA from CIUDAD DE MEXICO wrote on November 5, 2024 at 8:33 pm
Hola mi nombre es Silvana, y soy de MEXICO.

Realmente no cabe duda que Terry es con quien se queda Candy; a principios de este mes un amigo mio me regalo el libro en español de Candy Candy la historia definitiva.

Y debo decir que tiene demasiadas pistas obvias que la autora nos deja saber que es Terrence.

Mi hermana y yo somos terryfans y en la plataforma de WATTPAD escribimos un fanfic se llama "MAS ALLA DE TODO" , aun no esta terminado pero esta muy bueno, si gustan leerlo les dejo mi pagina en el sitio web.
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Silvana, thank you so much for your message!!! We agree CCFS has many clues pointing to Terry being Anohito. Please come join us on our Facebook group. We have many Candy and Terry fans there where we discuss all things Candy Candy and Terry!
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Rose Rose from jordan wrote on August 31, 2024 at 11:46 am
Hello , I know this has nothing to do with anything but , I'm a big fan of candy candy and I have watched the animated series of candy candy and I hated the ending and cried my eyes out that candy and terry didn't meet again and got back together ,I would like to see candy candy and Terry meet again, I have looked far and wide for books and more endings but i didn't find anything , I would like to ask do you know of any website of the Italian or French ending of candy in English translation , it's been 3 years since I have been looking and I have found nothing to this day so if you know anything please tell me , thank you for your time and effect
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Rose, sorry for this late reply. There is no official new ending that confirm Candy and Terry met again. There is a new novel edition of the story, "Candy Candy Final Story", written by the original author Keiko Nagita (she used the pen name Kyoko Mizuki when the manga was published). In CCFS, she included a new ending in which Susanna had died. After Susanna's death, Terry had written to Candy telling her "Nothing has changed with him", and that Candy was living with "that person" ("Anohito") in England in Stratford by the Avon River just before World War 2. Nagita would not confirm whether Anohito is Terry, but from those clues and other new details she added, we believe Anohito is Terry.

CCFS has been translated into Italian, French, and Spanish. They all have the same ending I just told you about. There is no official English translation. But you can find the English translation we made on this website. Our translations were done by professional paid translators who are native Japanese speakers, and they translated directly from the Japanese CCFS. We hope it can give you some closure. Please feel free to drop us a note again if you have any question. We also have a very active Facebook page. So come by and ask any questions.
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Laura Laura from Zoetermeer wrote on May 11, 2024 at 1:09 pm
Thank you for this wonderful website dedicated to Candy Candy and for relieving me of my incurable curiosity to find out if Candy will ever be happy. I was going mad thinking that she will never be with Terry. I hope that someday there will be a wonderful remake of this beautiful love story.
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Laura! Thank you for your message. We're so happy we can give you closure to the wonderful story of Candy and Terry. We're in the process of translating the entire CCFS. All the Terry parts have been translated already. So if you haven't read it yet, please check it out!
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Julia Julia wrote on April 23, 2024 at 1:15 pm
I actually watched anime three times at different age and I need to say that I could never accept Terry's marriage with that girl. She wanted happiness but also was selfish in a way.She saved him because she loved him then tried to suicide...I can see it only as selfishness. I was happy to read final story, but I was dissapointed that she really didn't point the name of a person. I always thought that Albert was more like a father figure since she never had such and Terry is much better fit for her.He has changed for her,he grew as a personality, he loved her deeply . But I don't like the fact that "her prince" was Albert and that triggers my doubts if "that person" was really Terry.
Honestly I prefer to think it was Terry, but since author didn't point leaves a space for free choice. She wrote it mostly to show that Candy found her love and family,but argh no name of him.
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Julia, thank you for your message. We, too, are very disappointed Nagita chose to keep the identity of "that person" undisclosed. When we met her at the Paris book fair in 2019, she said the her focus is Candy, not who she ended up with. To all the fans who asked, whether Terry fans or Albert fans, her answer was always, "your imagination". But the new clues she left in CCFS convinced us That Person cannot be anyone else but Terry.
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Ilya Ilya from Montevideo wrote on March 24, 2024 at 5:14 am

Today by chance I found your page and I found myself fascinated. Such an extensive work of research, it shows a lot of passion. I really admire it.

I have taken the time to archive the whole website and most of the linked forum posts on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. So your work can keep on living even if you ever have a problem keeping the website alive.

Have a wonderful week!
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Ilya, sorry for the very delayed reply. Thank you for archiving our site too!!! What a huge undertaking. It showed a lot of passion on your part too. We're all keeping the memory of this story alive.
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Yadira Yadira from Gray GA wrote on November 26, 2023 at 2:55 pm
Your site is like the encyclopedia for Candy Candy, so full of precious information. I admire the time and dedication that all of you put together to help us with the search for Anohito.
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Elpi Elpi from Leeds wrote on September 5, 2023 at 12:11 pm
Thank you for such a great amount of material for Candy candy fans! As a young girl in the 80s, she was one of my most iconic characters during the informative years of my life. The romance and life lessons captured my heart.
Going down a rabbit hole for the last couple of days and because I found out about the new material released in 2010 by the writer Keyko Nagita, I was hopeful Candy would be reunited with Terry….but alas, after reading everything Nagita has said and your great research and explanations of everything …
I am convinced Nagita’s preference for Candy’s “Anihito” is her favourite character Albert…
first and foremost (1) she blatantly says that he is her favourite character,
secondly (2) as a woman very immersed in literature myself have seen over and over again the perpetuation of what it could be considered archetypical now for girls coming of age stories into womanhood: a puppy love, a love full of angst and fire that gets a girl into womanhood and the everlasting amicable love that makes a woman want to marry them and usually are also perceived as mentors/friends/mature. I do NOT subscribe to this archetype at all, but I have seen all too many times and Nagita loves tropes and stereotypes…

3) the end of the manga heavily suggests that under everything Albert was the ever-present person for Candy, her prince of the hill whatever she called him and although to me this is creepy honestly Albert having-so many “alter egos” and a red flag, many would consider it romantic including Nagita given her background and culture

4) Nagita’s culture accepts (and to my surprise promotes in anime) huge age gaps between men and women still, father-daughter or mentor-daughter relationships becoming romantic once the girl is of age, basically what we would consider grooming or inappropriate. I find it unethical and patronising but I don’t think Nagita has such qualms as obvious from all other anime i have been following recently. There is something incredibly romantic and tantalising to them to pair still in the 20th centrury very young women with the first old mature guy they come across that cares for them. And because a western country on 2010 would find Candy/Albert problematic and Nagita indeed wanted to please all fans she left it open to interpretation but deep deep inside her she wants Albert to be with Candy…

5) daffodils are in her garden (well first of all in gardens in uk we have daffodils lol) but there are there to signify that although some loves are left behind we always carry those people inside of us.

Would love discussion on my points! I hated Albert to be Candy’s endgame by I am very much afraid that in the creator’s head and intention very much is….
Thank you!
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Iliana Iliana from Aguascalientes wrote on February 10, 2021 at 12:56 am
Preciosa paguina que han formado, con muy bellas referencias y recuerdos del mundo de Candy. Mi admiración y cariño para uds de una gran admiradora de su trabajo y todo lo referente a la bella historia de amor entre Candy y Terry. Gta ias por permitirnos disfrutarla!
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
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Norma Carrillo Norma Carrillo from Kenosha wrote on July 23, 2020 at 1:51 am
I loved Candy Candy since I was a 8 year old, is been 44 years that this amazing story is been in my heart; I just bought the DVD series in Spanish since I watched if when I was living in Mexico City and I loved the Spanish voices and I am one the many that was 💔 for Candy and Terry break out. I loved the news that they got a better ending that I can't wait to read 🥰
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Norma, thank you for stopping by! We hope you enjoy this site. We all love and remember Candy and Terry!!!
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Ro 💜 Ro 💜 from Singapore wrote on July 4, 2020 at 1:47 pm
Hello! 😀

As someone born after 2000’s, I feel sad that I hadn’t discovered this fandom sooner. I stumbled upon my mother’s old Candy Candy manga collection (she was a huge fan but hated the ending) and binged the comics as a child, and to be honest, I didn’t understand most of the story. I was less than ten years old, I could barely read!

But recently, I’ve been rereading the series and I definitely understand much more of all the conflicts and emotions involved in this long journey of a story. I LOVE IT! This story made me feel like I’ve lived another life as Candy. I felt for her, cried, laughed, fell in love, swooned, mourned, reflected... all because of this fictional world and these fictional characters. This story has almost all—if not all—the cliché’s in history: the poor and the rich, love triangles, the bad boy and the good girl, amnesia, lessons about life... no other story can compare. I’m so very attached to Candy Candy!

Then I thought: Ah, how nice it would be if there were more active fans now, especially on social media like Twitter, so I can fangirl with them. Not knowing how to deal with the post-Candy Candy hangover, I turned to the vast Internet and stumbled upon this site. I’ve yet to read everything here, I’ve decided to take my time and savour these pieces.

I would like to thank you for creating and putting so much effort into this site! Thank you for making me feel less alone about my love for Candy Candy. Also, thank you for giving me more reasons to ship Candy and Terry. Truth be told, this is my favourite ship out of all three. I’m glad I found you!

Just Another Fan <3
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi there! Thanks for the message. ❤️ We're so happy to hear there's a CT fan from a younger generation. The Candy Candy story has some tropes that are outdated for your generation, but when we were growing up (probably the same as your mother's time), it was a very forward story and Candy's independence and resilience inspired a whole generation of girls around the world who watched her. And we love Terry! You cannot imagine the agony we lived through with the original ending, and we didn't have the internet for a long time so we had to live with that agonizing heartache for years until we grew up and the internet came along for us to gather online and share our memories. Thankfully, Keiko Nagita released CCFS in 2010, and finally helped us to find the closure we need.

We're glad you found us. We hope you'll enjoy the rest of our site. We have more English translations coming, and more essays and theories on Anohito for Terry fans to enjoy.

All the best from the Terry's Angels
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Monica Monica from Quezon City, Pilippines wrote on June 15, 2020 at 2:46 pm
Thank you for this site! Wonderful memories of a childhood favorite. Please tell Ms. Keiko Nagita that there will be a market for the English translation - there are so many Candy Candy fans here in the Philippines who want to know what happened!
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Monica!! Thank you for your message. We will try to pass the word to Nagita for sure. Meanwhile, come back to our website soon as we are doing unofficial translations of some chapters and excerpts in English, and our translations are done by a professional translator. Some are already posted here and we have many parts still to come. Have a wonderful week!
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Gabbie Gabbie from Dallas wrote on March 20, 2020 at 6:41 pm
Hi! I’m so happy to have stumbled on this page and to find out that they are translating the book into Spanish! Is there any way for you guys to update me when they do that? My heart is so happy to find out that Candy and Terry ended up together. Thank you for the research that you’ve done!
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Gabbie!! Thank you so much for leaving us this message, and so so sorry for our very late reply. The Coronavirus outbreak had threw all of us off and took our attention away for a while. To your question about the Spanish translation, the Spanish publisher is Arechi Manga. They keep us all regularly informed on progress their FB page:

The Spanish edition was originally scheduled for release April 2, but the release has been delayed because of the pandemic. They said they will announce their new release date as soon as the health crisis is over.

Meanwhile, please enjoy our site. We will try to add more updates to this site as soon as we can.
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viviane viviane from Paris wrote on December 29, 2019 at 7:19 pm
Bonjour a tous ! très beau bien construit . à bientôt .
Patty Admin Reply by: Patty
Merci beaucoup!
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Magda Magda from San Antonio wrote on June 13, 2019 at 10:30 am
Que maravilla de pagina, estoy fascinada con toda la información que aqui se encuentra pero sobre todo que se puede disfrutar en diferentes idiomas. Felicidades a las creadoras de este espacio, han tenido una gran iniciativa. 😍😍😍😍
Lo que mas me ha gustado es que es mejor y mas sencillo encontrar información, es menos complicado que los foros.
Gracias por esta iniciativa para las admiradoras de la bella historia de Candy Candy.
Saludos!!! 😄😄😄😄
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Anneth White Anneth White from Terry Land wrote on April 14, 2019 at 9:54 pm
Beautiful web page. The one our gorgeous shakespereane actor deserves, and of course his lovely freckles wife. Congratulations for this amazing work-research.
Hermosa página web. La que nuestro querido actor shakespereano se merece y por supuesto su encantadora esposa pecosa. Felicitaciones por el gran trabajo e investigación.
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Thank you Anneth!!!! We're so happy to create this special place for Terry and Candy.
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Debora Debora from Roma wrote on April 14, 2019 at 9:11 pm
Beautiful blog! ❤
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Thank you Debora!!
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Karyn Karyn from Hennebont wrote on April 14, 2019 at 11:59 am
Bravo pour votre site !!👍 J’attends la suite des analyses de Final Story avec impatience ! 😃
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Merci pour vous encouragements ! Le site sera mis à jour régulièrement alors venez souvent nous rendre visite ! A très vite !
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LadyAngel (pinturicchia) LadyAngel (pinturicchia) from Salamanca wrote on April 14, 2019 at 6:17 am
¡Felicitaciones! 👏👏👏 Está excelente la página y pienso que toda Terryfan de corazón debería visitarla, porque tiene mucha información bien sustentada y actualizada sobre CCFS, además de que nos ayuda a afirmar con seguridad que Terry es quien está con Candy, que él es anohito! Quedé más que fascinada con todas sus secciones 😍😉👍
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Hi Pinturicchia!! So happy to see you here!!! Come back and visit us at this site soon. We'll be continuously adding more and more information on Why Terry is Anohito 🥰 (and why Albert is not 😜)
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Neko Neko from Hamilton wrote on April 13, 2019 at 4:16 pm
Awesome, I’m so happy !. Thank you, TERRY FOREVER ♥️
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Thank you Neko!!! Yes! Terry Forever!!!!!
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Elsa Ramirez (Grecialica) Elsa Ramirez (Grecialica) from Edmonton wrote on April 1, 2019 at 9:38 pm
🌈This site is wonderful!! 💕
Terry Admin Reply by: Terry
Thank you Elsa!
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