Why Terry is Anohito
− Scottie’s Analysis Part II −
— Scottie’s Analysis Part II —
Why Terry is Anohito

It is my deep conviction that Terry is « that person/Anohito ». This reflection is subjective.
In one of her retrospections, Candy goes into her study, and mentions that she owns books with a leather cover.
“The walls of this room are covered with leather bound books.”
— CCFS Vol. II, Retrospection.
The Grandchester family villa in Scotland, where Terry was staying, had innumerable books, theater plays, and a complete collection of Shakespeare books.
“Terry, they are all the theater plays! And there is also the complete collection of Shakespeare books!”
— CCFS Vol. II.
Because of the leather-bound books in Candy´s present, her relationship with Terry is current and evident. This information was communicated by Nagita in her novel. I believe it is an important piece of information. « That person » is Terry. It is a clue recognized by the fans of the novel in favor of Terry.
But I wanted to think about this issue a little more. It is also an evident clue that always puzzled me: There is something more in all of this!
Although Terry is the son of an aristocrat, now he is only an actor. He is not a noble. Who knows what Nagita had kept to herself as to Terry in her not-told story. He is a character with a very important narrative potential.
Choosing leather-bound books for the study in Candy´s home is a real question mark. I think this element is here because Terry was used to using books with leather covers since his childhood. I wonder if the letter-bound books in their home were maybe gifted by the Grandchester family to the couple.
In the home study, it was mentioned that there was a collection of the complete works Shakespeare, English literature, French literature, and medical books. There was no mention of North American literature.
The feels unusual to me. There is an intention by the author to not include North American literature. It is as if she wanted to set aside Mr. Albert from the present which Candy was showing us. Why didn´t Nagita include North American literature in the study in her home?
Among the English literature books, without no doubt there must have been books with William Wordsworth ‘s work. After all, he is the author of the poem, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, which Nagita appreciates, and used as her inspiration for having daffodils in Candy’s retrospection.
Maybe Wuthering Heights, by Emilie Brontë, could also be among Candy and Terry´s books? Who knows!
The inclusion of French literature is interesting, because at [the St. Paul’s] School, Candy had to recite Louise Labé French sonnets. In the novel, Candy recited two phrases from Sonnets III and IV. But she had to learn the Sonnet V too. Here was one more memory of her past with Terry, when she evoked the French literature [in her retrospection]. A smile came to my face—those books represent them.
She also spoke of medical books. This is expected because Candy was a nurse. For sure, she must be continuing her medical career through her life. I wonder if Susie visited Candy in Stratford-Upon-Avon, and if Candy showed her the medical books in her study, and shared her experiences with her apprentice. Would the book that was a gift from Dr. Frank Campbell be in that library? This was an important memory for Candy.
But a big question about this retrospection remains: There was no North America literature. Why am I focusing on clarifying there is no North American literature? It is because I think this was a deliberate act by the author. She couldn´t have forgotten something so important. To continue with the story of Mr. Albert, it would’ve been necessary to mention North American literature, for what North America would represent for Albert as a character, for what that must represent for Nagita as the author. And then, I understood it!
Why is important for North American literature to be in Candy´s present to support Albert as « that person »?
Because among other stories, Candy´s story was inspired in Daddy Long Legs by North American author Jean Webster. North American literature should’ve been mentioned as a representative of that universe.
This is beyond the idea of deducting Terry as « that person ». This is deeper for the author. She wanted to say, through this novel, that there has been a rupture.
It is thought by some that Candy ended up with Mr. Albert, that this conclusion was planned since the beginning, when the story was developed with the mangaka Igarashi.
However, in Candy´s study at her home, there is no representation of North American literature. There is nothing there that makes me think of Mr. Albert.
Originally, Terry must not have that much importance in the story. And Candy was destined to end her days with Mr. Albert, as it occurred in the manga, when Candy found the Prince of the Hill and ran to his arms. The ending was planned in the old story.
In CCFS, what Nagita´s old novels stood for is clear in the Epilogue. With the letters that came and went, the Prince could express himself. He could talk about his world like Candy. But that was conveyed as an old world looking for a final closure. This wasn´t a continuation for them. Closure—that was the reason for having their letters put in an Epilogue together with the only Anthony´s letter. However, Terry´s letter is not part of the Epilogue. Terry´s letter is an open story.
When I read the novel again, I felt that Nagita, in writing CCFS, really separated herself from that Candy´s old world. That is, the old novels, manga, anime, and her difficult relationship with Igarashi. The fans know that long and painful story.
In CCFS, we find only Nagita and her Candy´s world. This is NOT the same “story of Candy” made by the two writers—namely, the writer and mangaka. Candy´s world and the “story of Candy” are two different things completely different to the author. I understand that this time.
Candy´s study in her home represents Nagita’s study. And in that place, there is no North American literature. Her work is independent of the old formula. Because of that, there can´t be North American literature in the novel. I am impressed. It is a beautiful message from the author. Now I can breathe the scent of daffodils.

Por Scottie
Es mi convicción profunda que Terry es « esa persona ».

Es mi convicción profunda que Terry es « esa persona ». Esta reflexión es subjetiva.
En una de sus retrospecciones, Candy dirigiéndose a su estudio, menciona poseer libros de tapa de cuero.
« Las paredes de esta habitación están cubiertas de libros encuadernados en cuero »
—CCFS Vol. II, Retrospección.
La villa de la familia Granchester en Escocia, en la cual se hospedaba Terry, tenía innumerables libros, obras de teatro y una colección completa de libros de Shakespeare.
« -Terry, ¡son todas obras de teatro ! ¡También están completas las obras de Shakespeare ! »
El libro que lleva Terry en su mano, cuando encuentra a Candy en « La pequeña colina de Pony », es un libro de cuero marrón de Shakespeare.
Como en la actualidad de Candy se pueden encontrar libros con tapa de cuero, la relación con Terry es inmediata y evidente.
Toda esta información ha sido transmita por Nagita en la novela. Creo que es una información importante, « esa persona » es Terry. Es una pista reconocida por las fans de la novela a favor de Terry.
Pero yo quería pensar un poco más sobre el tema. Era un indicio tan evidente que me dejaba siempre desconcertada : ¡hay algo más en todo esto!
Aunque Terry es hijo de un aristócrata, ahora solo es un actor. No es un noble. Quién sabe que le reservó Nagita a Terry en su historia no contada. Es un personaje con un potencial narrativo muy importante.
Es un verdadero interrogante elegir libros de tapa de cuero para el estudio de la casa de Candy. Pienso que esto es así, porque Terry ha estado acostumbrado desde su niñez a utilizar libros con cubierta de cuero. Me pregunto si quizás fueron donados por la familia Granchester a la pareja.
En el estudio se menciona la colección de las obras completas de Shakespeare, literatura inglesa, literatura francesa y libros de medicina. No hay mención de literatura estadounidense.
Esto se siente un poco antinatural para mí. Hay una premeditación de la autora para no mencionar la literatura estadounidense. Es como si quisiera apartar al señor Albert del presente que nos presenta Candy. ¿Por qué Nagita no incluyó literatura estadounidense en el estudio?
Entre la literatura inglesa, sin duda las obras de William Wordsworth deben estar allí, al fin y al cabo, él es el autor de « yo vagaba tan solo como una nube » poema que Nagita aprecia y del que ella se inspiró para hacer la retrospección sobre los narcisos.
Quizas ¿« Cumbres borrascosas » de Emilie Brontë puede estar entre los libros de Candy y Terry? ¡Quién sabe !
Es interesante la mención de la literatura francesa, porque en el instituto, Candy debía recitar en francés tres sonetos de Louise Labé. En la novela, Candy recita dos frases de los sonetos III y IV. Pero ella debía aprender el soneto V igualmente. Un recuerdo más de su pasado con Terry al evocar la literatura francesa. Una sonrisa se dibujó en mi rostro. Aquellos libros los representan.
También se habla de libros de medicina. Esto es normal ya que Candy es enfermera, por lo tanto, debió continuar su formación médica a lo largo de su vida. Me pregunto si Susie visitó a Candy en Straford-Upon-Avon y si Candy le enseñó los libros de medicina de su estudio y compartió sus experiencias con la aprendíz. El libro que le regala el doctor Frank Campbell ¿estará en esta biblioteca ? Es un recuerdo importante para Candy.
Pero un gran interrogante sobre esta retrospección para mí seguía estando vigente. No hay literatura estadounidense ¿por qué molestarse en aclarar que no hay literatura estadounidense ? Pienso que esto se hizo deliberadamente por la autora. No pudo haberse olvidado de algo tan importante. Una mención de literatura estadounidense era necesaria para continuar la historia con el señor Albert, por lo que representa esto para Albert como personaje, por lo que debe representar para Nagita como autora. Y entonces, ¡lo comprendí !
¿Por qué es importante que haya literatura estadounidense en el presente de Candy para avalar a Albert como « esa persona »?
La historia de Candy está inspirada en « Papaito piernas largas » de la estadounidense Jean Webster entre otras historias. Debería haber la mención de la literatura estadounidense que representara este universo.
Esto iba mas allá de la sola idea de aclarar a Terry como « esa persona ». Era más profundo para la autora. Ella quería anunciar que ha habido una ruptura a través de esta novela.
Se suele pensar que Candy termina con el señor Albert. Y que esto ya estaba previsto desde el principio, cuando esta historia fue desarrollada con la mangaka Igarashi.
No obstante, en el estudio de Candy, no hay una representación literaria estadounidense, no hay nada que puede llevarme a pensar en la dirección del señor Albert.
Originalmente, Terry no debía tener tanta importancia en la historia. Y Candy estaba destinada a terminar sus días con el señor Albert como ocurre en el manga, cuando Candy encuentra al príncipe de la colina y corre a sus brazos. El fin ya había sido previsto en la vieja obra.
En CCFS esta antigua obra de Nagita se siente clara en el epílogo. Con las cartas de ida y vuelta, el Príncipe se puede expresar, puede hablar de su mundo al igual que Candy. Pero eso se siente como un viejo mundo que busca concluirse finalmente. No hay una continuación para ellos, por eso sus cartas estan encerradas en un epílogo junto con la única carta para Anthony. No obstante, la carta de Terry, no hace parte del epílogo. La carta de Terry es una historia abierta.
Al leer nuevamente la novela, sentí que Nagita escribió CCFS separándose realmente de ese viejo mundo de Candy, es decir, las antiguas novelas, el manga, el animé, su relación difícil con Igarashi. Las fans conocemos esta larga y dolorosa historia.
En CCFS, solo podemos encontrar a Nagita y su mundo de Candy. Esto NO es lo mismo que la obra de Candy hecha entre las dos maestras, es decir, escritora y mangaka. El mundo de Candy y la obra de Candy son dos cosas completamente diferentes para la autora, así lo he comprendido esta vez.
El estudio de Candy representa el estudio de Nagita y allí ya no hay literatura estadounidense. Su obra es independiente de las viejas fórmulas. Es por ello que tampoco puede haber mención de literatura estadounidense en la novela. Me ha dejado impresionada. Es un hermoso mensaje de la autora. Ahora puedo respirar el perfume de los narcisos.

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Hello. I don’t know when this was written, but I only discovered this website only a couple of weeks ago. I apologize if my thoughts have been realized already… but here it goes:
The reason that French literature is in Candy and her beau’s study along with complete works of Shakespeare and other British literature…and no N. American literature is because of famous/ popular classic French plays, such as Le Misanthrope (Moliere), Les Miserables, and The Hunchback of Notredame (Victor Hugo), which Terry might have been logically interested in beyond Shakespeare. There were no famous or popular N. American plays at the time, and if there were, Terry wouldn’t have been all that interested in it since he’s British to begin with, and he’s a classical theatre actor, not a Jazzy modern America in the Roaring 20’s type. I know some other blogs go into asking how the couple were able to own leather bound/ expensive books. I figure either Terry’s mom, Mr. Albert, or even the Duke could have reconciled with Terry and easily could have gifted them when they got married. As it’s mentioned, their house is pretty modest unlike a mansion. If Candy was living with Mr. Albert, why would they live in another location away from their other already exisiting many mansions with a garden full of daffodils to torment Candy every spring. Daffodils are perrenials. They would bloom every spring and remind her of Terry with the scent that filled the intereior of the house. That would be quite masochistic. It’s one thing to have a bouquet for a few days, but blooming every spring in their backyard?? The author has thrown all these obvious clues in the faces of the readers without having to say the name. She wanted us to know and be satisfied that Candy and Terry are finally happy together. Also, at the time, the whole story being very innocent and wholesome I truly don’t believe the author even tried to insinuate that Candy ended up marrying Mr. Albert at all. Even in the manga or the anime, Candy runs to him as she’d running to a dad, not a lover ending with a passionate kiss. She’s relying on him to protect and care for her, not marry her just because she was separated from Terry. I don’t even think Mr. Albert thought of Candy that way to begin with. He also probably knew all along that things could go sour between Terry and Suzanna some day that he wouldn’t just take over knowing how much Candy loved Terry from reading her diary and actually having known and gotten along with Terry himself. I think some readers just got their imagination all out of whack and way out of bounds to a point it’s ridiculous. I read one where the blogger had their lawyer friend alnayze the realistic situation of their financial status and how it all would have been possible and impossible. I didn’t comment on the blog, but I wanted to say, “Remember, this is a ficional story, not a biography. You don’t need to bring in a lawyer to argue about the logistics of all this.” How blind is this person to not notice the obvious. I guess they’re in denial and want to believe what they think is logical and even creepy. Mr. Albert was never portrayed as creepy and trying to move into Candy’s heart in such a way. I think he’d even freak out and laugh if Candy said she fell in love with him.
Hi Linda, we see you also found Ms. Puddle’s blog. She’s in the Albert/Candy shipping camp. We, of course, think like you and cannot agree with them. We find the idea of Albert and Candy romance very disturbing for all the implications involved, given that he was her legal guardian, if not necessary a father figure. In any case, if you have a Facebook account, we hope you will stop by our page. There are many more Candy and Terry fans there who would LOVE to hear your thoughts. Even after all these years, we all still love talking about this story, and analyze everything we’ve read in CCFS. I’ve shared the link to the pages where you commented with some of them.