Why Terry is Anohito

To begin to see why Terry is Anohito, we first recommend that you read this excellent analysis by Candy Candy fan Scottie, in direct response to a very lengthy, hard-to-follow blog post by someone known as “Bequi”, who, for reasons that baffled our minds, came to the conclusion that Albert, Candy’s Great Uncle William; long-time friend, mentor, confidant so special to her that he was as good as being her real big brother; and adoptive father by law, is Anohito.

Scottie’s analysis is equally long, as it took that many words to answer to the fallacies in Bequi’s post (soliloquy of a madman). It was first written in French and published on the French CandyWhite Website and has been translated into Spanish. We will provide an English version soon.

And to offer our own analysis, we will give you our reasons here. We will be updating this page regularly to give you a new insight as to how we know that Terry is undoubtedly, indisputably, Anohito. Come back and visit us to find out what discoveries we’ve got to share next. After reading, we invite you to add your comments, and let us know if you have any further thoughts about why Terry is, and always will be, Candy’s one true love.

Clue 1:

Clue 1: 

Nagita added daffodils in CCFS to symbolize Terry. In her home in England where adult Candy lived with the man she loved, the garden is filled with the scent of daffodils.

Clue 2:
Susanna is Dead

Clue 2:
Susanna is Dead

Yes!! After decades of suffering the traumatic heartbreak and losing all hope, we found out in CCFS that Susanna had died eight years after Terry and Candy sacrificed themselves for her!!! 

Clue 3:
Terry’s Letter

Clue 3:
Terry’s Letter

In CCFS, Nagita opened up the path for Terry to return to Candy by having him write to her after Susanna’s death. See what Terry said to Candy in his letter after all these painful years.

Clue 4:
Candy’s Feelings

Clue 4:
Candy’s Feelings

At Livre Paris, Nagita said that after CCFS, everybody in the story is happy. Here, we examine Candy’s feelings in CCFS in regards to Terry, and how the only way for Candy to be happy is that Terry is Anohito.

Clue 5:
Creation of Terry vs. POTH

Clue 5:
Creation of Terry vs. POTH

The Prince on the Hill came into being at the suggestions of Yumiko Igarashi, who wanted to draw a boy in a kilt, with the support of the Nakayoshi magazine editor. In contrast, Terry is entirely Nagita’s own creation. In writing CCFS, Nagita wanted to rewrite the story to be entirely her own creation.

Special Edition from CandyNeige.com

Special Edition from CandyNeige.com

While we continue to provide our own analysis of why Terry is indisputably Anohito, the French Candy Candy fan site CandyNeige kindly provided their VERY extensive list of clues from CCFS why Terry is indeed Anohito. 

A Few Words on
the Battle of Flowers

A Few Words on the Battle of Flowers

In the debate of whether Terry or Albert is represented by a flower, fans have lost sight of the reason why Terry fans are asserting that daffodils are a symbol of Terry. Let us remember why daffodils are significant in the first place. 

Scottie’s Analysis Part I
— Reflections on Daffodils —

Scottie’s Analysis Part I – Reflections on Daffodils

A series of analysis by long-time CC and Terry fan Scottie. Part One on her thoughts about daffodils in CCFS. (All parts of Scottie’s analyses are provided in English and Spanish.)

Scottie’s Analysis Part II
— Literature —

Scottie’s Analysis Part II – Literature

Part Two of the thoughts and analysis by long-time CC and Terry fan Scottie on how the literature displayed in Candy’s home in her present shows she is living with Terry. She examines why there are French and English literature, but no American literature. 

Scottie’s Analysis Part III
— Lousie Labé Sonnets —

Scottie’s Analysis Part III- Lousie Labé Sonnets

In Part Three of her analysis, Scottie looks at the Sonnets of Louise Labé, which Candy had to memorize for class when she ran into Terry on Fake Pony’s Hill for the first time. The Sonnets are deeply symbolic of her love for Terry, which continued symbolically in the French literature displayed in her present home. 

Till next time.
Come back soon to see what clue we’ve discovered next!

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森で ふいに だれかに後ろから
In the forest, without warning,
someone embraced me from behind.

 . . .  Who’s there?

I heard a little smug voice —

あたし すぐに
あのひとテリィ) だと
Right away, I knew 
It was Anohito (Terry) who did it,

But I pretended to be clueless.

目の前を からかうように
りすが 走っていったわ
In front of me, squirrels ran about
as if they were teasing me.

胸の中で 噴水がふきあがる
There is a gushing fountain within my chest.

このまま ずっと わからないふりを
At this rate, maybe I should pretend to be clueless forever…?

Translation provided by Terry’s Angels

Source: Candy Candy Nakayoshi Deluxe Album Illustration Part 1 (1976)
© Kyoko Mizuki, Yumiko Igarashi

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