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CCFS Translations Around the World

Although it has been more than thirty years since Candy Candy was first published and became out of print in the mid-1980s, our love for this story continue on. Fans of Candy Candy around the world eagerly hope for Candy Candy Final Story, released in Japan in 2010, to be translated into their own native language. So far, the publisher of Candy Candy Final Story has collaborated with foreign publishers and released three official translated versions: Italian, French, and Spanish!
What’s more, we also have English translated excerpts right here on this website. Our English excerpts are translated by Ms. Hanabi, a professional translator. We chose her because she is Japanese and fluent in English. Also, she is of a younger generation and has no knowledge of the CC story. As such, her translations are objective and without bias. To read our translated excerpts, click on the button below.

Official Spanish Translation
The official Spanish version of CCFS, titled “Candy Candy La historia definitiva” (CCHD), is published by the Spanish publisher Arechi Manga. You can purchase your copies on Amazon store in Spain.
~ Follow Arechi Manga’s Facebook page for more updates ~

Official Italian Translation
The official Italian version of CCFS is published by the Italian publisher Kappalab. Volume One is titled “Romanzo” (a Novel), and Volume Two is titled “Lettere” (Letters). You can purchase your copies on Amazon’s store in Italy.
~ Read Preface to Candy Candy English translation ~

Official French Translation
The official French version of CCFS is due to be published by French publisher Pika Edition. Volume One is titled “Candice White the Orphan”. Volume Two is titled “The Prince on the Hill”.
To find out more on how to purchase, you can go directly to Pika’s website.
~ Read Preface to Candy Candy English translation ~
Confusion on Volume Two Title
The title of Volume Two, “The Prince on the Hill, has raised some controversy. Since Albert/Prince on the Hill was not a central character in CCFS or this volume, readers have asked Pika why they have chosen this title. Here’s Pika’s answer:
Hello to all Candy fans,
Many of you have wondered about the reason for the subtitles on the two volumes of the French adaptation of Candy – Final Story and the relevance of our choice. This addition to the Japanese version meets our primary desire to give the novels a clear and more meaningful identity than a simple tome (volume), as it is customary to do in the novel in France. As a result, each subtitle has been carefully considered to best reflect the issues of the two volumes.
Thus, the first, “Candice White, the orphan”, is interested in Candy’s youth and her quest for a loving home while the second, “The Prince on the Hill” focuses more on the mystery that surround this enigmatic character, about whom Candy is constantly questioning herself throughout her life; just like the reader, over the pages. So this is not about influencing the reading at the end of this cult work that is Candy, but rather to maintain a suspense around the key common thread of this wonderful story. In addition, the hope of finding a family and the idealized figure of the prince are two recurring leitmotif (themes) in Candy, which we found interesting to put forward through these subtitles.
In order to respect the original work and the author’s will, these two subtitles have been approved by Keiko Nagita. It is therefore up to you, readers, to decide, in accordance with Keiko Nagita’s wish, the outcome of this fabulous story!We hope you’ll be there in March to discover the adventures of your favorite heroine in bookstores, and look forward to your feedback.
Thank you again for your loyalty and your involvement in our titles!
Pika’s answer originally given in French on their website here.