Part I

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Below is the English translation of the Candy Candy Final Story: Part I. Our translation is accompanied by footnotes for clarifications, as well as specific clues within the story that show Terry is Anohito in the story’s new ending.

The translation was made by professional translators retained by the Terry’s Angels.:

  • Ms. Hanabi Ito, who studied at university in the United States, and currently resides in the USA.
  • Ms. Riho Okumura, who is Japanese is resides with her Scottish husband in Japan.

We chose Hanabi and Riho because they are both native Japanese speakers with excellent command in English. They are from a younger generation, and have never watched the CC anime, or read the CC manga or any previously published CC novels. Therefore, they are bot impartial translators whose translations contain no bias.

The translation of Part I is still a work in progress. Some chapters have not yet been translated. We will try to continue to translate the entire story in time.

Scroll the screen in the box below to read translation

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  • Helle


    Firstly, I think it is fantastic that someone took it in their own hands to translate “Candy Candy the Final Story” in English.
    Secondly, I do not understand how part two is completed when part one still needs some chapters.

    I would love to read it when it is finished.
    I watched the show as a kid (sometimes still do), and it is one of my favorite anime series.
    Unfortunately, I never got to read the manga version hence it is not to be found in English.

    Kind regards

  • Helle

    Firstly, I think it is fantastic that someone took it in their own hands to translate “Candy Candy the Final Story” in English.
    Secondly, I do not understand how part two is completed when part one still needs some chapters.

    I would love to read it when it is finished.

    Kind regards

  • Rosa

    Hello. I’m the one who want to say thank you for this translation, too! But I wonder if the translation work is still going on… I really can’t wait to read the story that the “still to be translated” part.

    • Terry

      Hi Rosa, we’re very glad to hear you liked our translation. We are hoping to continue, although we can’t guarantee when. We need to work with our translator’s schedule, and she’s been very busy. We hope to bring you more translated parts soon.

  • Chae

    Hi there, I’m not sure if the owners of this site are still active but I just wanted to let you know of my appreciation for this translation. I watched this show as a kid and the fact that I can read it online is simply amazing. I can’t wait to finally get to it now, thank you.

    • Anneth White

      Hi @Chae. Yes, the owners of this site are active, and the update of the translations continues, besides the post of so other matters associated to Nagita’s works and inspiration.

      You are welcome. Enjoy the website.

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