CCFS: Terry's Letter to Candy

Below are the translations of Terry’s letter to Candy (CCFS Vol. 2, Part III, pp. 282-283, Japanese edition). This letter is a new detail which was not in the original manga, anime, and previously published CC novels. The letter is not dated, and fans have disputes as to when this letter was written and sent. The Terry’s Angels firmly believe this letter was sent after Susanna Marlowe’s death.

We share also translation of the letter as published in the Italian edition (officially translated by Silvia Ricci). The Italian version is closer to the literary style as Nagita intended. Ms. Ricci had read the entire story as part of her translation work, and has a full understanding of the personalities, intent, and motives of the characters.

The translation from the Japanese edition is a literal translation to show what the Japanese text says. This translation was made by Ms. Hanabi Ito, a professional translator retained by the Terry’s Angels. Ms, Hanabi is a native Japanese speaker who studied at university in the United States, and currently resides in the USA. We chose her because she is from a younger generation. She has never watched the CC anime, read the CC manga or previously published CC novels. Her translations therefore contains no bias.

For an in-depth analysis of the significance of this letter, please go to this page: Clue #3 – Terry’s Letter to Candy 

Translation based on CCFs Italian Edition

Dear Candy,

How are you?

A year has passed since then . . . After this period of time, I had promised myself to write to you, but then, having doubts, I let six months to pass.

Now, however, I took courage and decided to send you this letter.

Nothing has changed for me.

I don’t know if you’ll get to read these words of mine, but I wanted you to know at least this.

T. G.


Translation based on CCFS Japanese Edition


Has anything changed?

 . . .  It’s been a year since then.

I had decided in my heart that I would contact you after a year, but I kept hesitating and an additional half a year went by.

I’ve made up my mind and am now putting this letter in the mail box.

— Nothing about me has changed.

I’m not sure if this letter will be delivered to you, but I just wanted to tell you this.


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1 Comment

  • Terrylia

    It’s crystal clear that Terry means that his feelings for Candy haven’t changed…he loved her so much.. He could not just forget her and act like she was never a significant person in his life. This isn’t Terry and also I believe that he sent the letter after Susanna’s death.

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