CCFS English
Unofficial Fan Translation

About CCFS and Our Translation
Currently, there is no official English translated version of CCFS. At the Livre Paris Book Festival, Nagita said that she does not see sufficient market demand for an English translation to be possible, although she herself would be pleased if an English translated version could be released. Our main purpose for this translation is to provide a clear, open, and unbiased version of all the parts of CCFS relating to Candy, Terry, and Albert, to help stop misrepresentations about the relationship between Candy and Terry, and between Candy and Albert. Further, we want to show you all the clues in the story that point to Terry as “Anohito”, the man who Candy loves and lives with in England in the new ending of the story.
CCFS in Three Parts
CCFS was written in three parts. Part One and Part Two are written as a dual-timeline novel, with one timeline of Candy as an adult in her thirties reflecting upon her memories, and a second timeline of her past growing up. Part One tells her childhood at Pony’s Home to the death of Anthony. Part Two tells the first time she met Terry on the ship until she departed St. Paul’s School. Part Three is titled Letters and written in epistolatory form, with letters between Candy and various secondary characters, telling the events after her departure from St. Paul’s. Interspersed between the letters are Candy’s retrospections, which provide the further context to some of the events, including her separation with Terry. Some of the letters and her retrospections include new, never-released-before details, which the author Keiko Nagita included to show us the story as she wished to tell it, without interference of the manga production team and mangaka Yumiko Igarashi. Many of these details lead us to conclude that Anohito is Terry. We are confident that after reading the story for yourself, you will find the fact that Terry is Anohito is self-evident.
About Our Translators; Impartial Translation
To show you that CCFS points to Terry as Anohito, we have undertaken an unofficial translation project to translate the CCFS into English. We will continue to post our translations as we are able until the entire CCFS is fully translated.
Unless otherwise stated, the translations on this site are provided by either Ms. Hanabi Ito or Ms. Riho Okumura, professional translators retained by the Terry’s Angels. Hanabi translated for us CCFS Part II, the Epilogue, the final scene with Anohito, and Nagita’s Afterword. The chapters in Part I and the Letters part of CCFS were translated by either Hanabi or Riho.
Both Hanabi and Riho are native Japanese speakers. They are younger than the CC generation, and thus had never read the CC manga or watched the CC anime. Prior to translating CCFS for us, they had not previously read CCFS, the CC manga, or any previously published CC novels. Their translations therefore contain no bias, and there is no question as to their knowledge of Japanese language, or their understanding as to whether there are any “nuances” or hidden messages in the text pertaining to Japanese culture that would be missed by non-Japanese speakers. The translations on our site also include footnotes where our translators clarified the meanings and interpretations of parts that are often questioned and debated within the CC fandom.
Hanabi graduated university in the United States and resides in the USA. Riho was born and raised in Japan. She studied English in several countries, experiencing their unique cultures. Now, she is back in Japan, living with her Scottish husband and working as a translator.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section at the end of each translated part!