Why Terry is Special

We Terry fans always like to do something fun to celebrate Terry’s birthday (January 28). This year (2022), we, the Terry’s Angels, dedicate the special message below to Terry and the CC fandom on what makes Terry so special to us and to Nagita.

We ‘re also presenting a new gorgeous fan art of Terry by Nuria Marquez. We know it is Nagita’s wish to move the story away from the old manga art, and her motto to fans is to “use your imaginations.” Following her wish, here at ForeverTerry, we continue to envision new ideas of what Terry might look like. Furthermore, as much as we love the manga characters we grew up with, the way they were drawn in the old manga were very historically inaccurate. Therefore, the Terry we present today is an effort to show him in hair and clothing styles as he ought to appear in his time period. We hope you like it!!!

In the Candy Candy world, it is hard not to miss Terry’s birthday!
I wonder sometimes how Nagita sensei would feel if she knew that fans all over the world are preparing events, they are creating fanarts, beautiful drawings, they are writing fanfics, they are writing posts dedicated to Terry, all in celebration of his birthday. The Forever Terry team too, however busy with real life, we wouldn’t let the opportunity not to celebrate with all Terry’s fans.
So, on the eve of his birthday, I will say a few things about Terence G. Granchester. Most of you, you may already know them. Terry may have been born on 28 January 1897, but in reality he was born inside the library, when Nagita sensei found him, inside the pages of the book that contained the Shakespeare’s plays. From her famous essay series, “When I was with Candy“, we have learned that Nagita sensei took great care of finding Terry’s name. When she found it, his name shone brighter than everyone else’s. A name which stood on her mouth like a poem.
It is not confirmed anywhere and Nagita sensei never expressed it clearly, but from our searches and discussion with Japanese fans, the most likely candidate for Terry comes from Shakespeare’s play Anthony and Cleopatra. He is a secondary character named Thyreus. He is the noble and very direct messenger sent from Caesar to ask Cleopatra to come by his side and leave Anthony. His abrupt style when he came in the room had annoyed her but she then changed her attitude. Cleopatra flirts with Thyreus. Thyreus is kneeling in front of the most beautiful woman in the world and replies to the Queen of Egypt:
Thyreus. It is your noblest course.
Wisdom and fortune combating together,
If that the former dare but what it can,
No chance may shake it.
Give me grace to lay
My duty on your hand.
Does it not feel like those are words that are coming out of Terry’s lips?
In my mind, they do. I get goosebumps, imagining Terry kneeling and saying those words. He takes Cleopatra’s hand and kisses it. Anthony comes in the room and is enraged with Thyreus. He orders for the daring messenger to be whipped.
For me, this is where Terry is born. Those pages with words of beauty and drama, of honour and dare even, sometimes rude. A character that even secondary, steals the limelight for the time he enters the stage and make the Queen of Egypt flirt with him. He is in orders from Caesar to win her trust.
Nagita sensei gave us on the face and name of Terry, an unforgettable character. A man who can stand without any shame inside the pages of a Shakespearean play. He can be the King of France who battles for the hand of Cordelia in King Lear. He can be the Romeo who stole Juliet’s heart with his beautiful words and the fire of his youth. A love that turned into a legend. He can be Hamlet, the tortured youth who wants to avenge the death of his father but he loves his mother so, he is indecisive. Just like Terry was indecisive in CCFS. He can be the pauper and he can be the King.
He can be the villain and he can be the Hero. To die a thousand deaths and live a thousand loves on the stage. And every time he would leave us mesmerised.
But for one girl, he is just Terry. Her Terry. The one she is waiting to open the door, to be able to say to him with an emotional voice: “Welcome back.”

Happy Birthday Terry!

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    Oh I love all this analysis!!! and yes Thyreus and his attitude in front of th Queen of Egypt shows in great manner what is the soul of Terence Graham Granchester!!! Candy´s Terry!!!!
    Thanks for writing this beautiful essay!!!

  • Gracias, por darme la oportunidad de conocer más de mi personaje favorito,

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