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The Mystery of the Name
by Nuria Marquez

In the anime we see how the great uncle sends a letter to Candy where we can read “Candis White Ardlay”. And there, finally, for the first time, the surname is written with all its letters. Ardlay.
But then the manga had to be translated into other languages.
In Cantonese the surname was 亞德雷 that also sounds “Ardlay”.
In Greek it was Άρντλεϋ that sounds similar.
In France they decided to pronounce it differently and they wrote it an pronounced it as André.
In Italy they took an alternative route and they called him Andrew, in the manga and anime.
Then came the turn of the Spanish, and complicate further the matter in Spain the manga was published with the name Andrew, but then in the anime, both in Spanish and Latin America pronounced “Andrey”. So the confusion of names increased. To complicate things further, some Latino fans started using “Andley” as a kind of mixture of both words.

The funny thing is that Ardlay is not a Scottish surname, but English. So the Ardlay would never have worn tartan, worn kilts, or played the bagpipe like the prince of the hill.
The name Ardlay arose for the first time among the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Great Britain. The name is derived from someone who has lived in the parish of Eardley in Staffordshire. This surname has occupied this county since ancient times, some say long before the Norman conquest and the arrival of William the Conqueror in 1066 AD. Their family motto was originally a battle cry is: “Non nobis solum” (We are not alone).
In the eighteenth century the shores of the New World called many English families who felt that the social climate in England was oppressive and lacked opportunities for improvement.
The first Ardley to reach America according to immigration records and lists of passenger ships were Marjorie Eardley, who settled in New England in 1760; and Catherine Eardly settled down in the area of Boston in 1849. The way the surname was being written then had many spelling variations.

If we look at censuses and historical records, the name of the Ardlay family can be found in the USA and the UK between 1880 and 1891. However in 1891 there was only 1 Ardlay family living in London.
There were also Ardlays in Canada. We found two families. In one the profession of the census is gardener and in the other midwife.
In the nineteenth and twentieth century many Ardlays appear on the passenger lists of ships that migrated all over the world, although none enlistment to the last two great world wars.
Curiosities that we can find in the censuses:
In London, in 1903, a certain “William Ardlay” was admitted to the poorhouse at the age of 63.
One “Candice Ardley” (note that the last name is not exactly the same) lives today in Bolton, Lancashire, England, and has around 40 years. Wouldn’t be interesting to meet her?