Candy Candy

Fan Essay & Articles


Every time we read Candy Candy, we discover so much more to this story. Below, we share with you essays and articles by special guests which gives us more insights into the meanings and themes of this story. You can comment below each essay and let us know what you think. 

Three Loves in CCFS

Candy’s three loves interpreted through Nagita’s own statements

The New Meaning of Hills in CCFS

A essay by CC fan Anneth White, on the significance of hills in the story Candy Candy, and what hills means to our beloved character Candy.

Terry's Birthday Special Message

A message from us to CC fans on this Terry’s birthday (2022), on what we think about Terry.

The Symbol of Apricot

What apricot means in the Japanese culture, and why Candy told Terry her feelings toward him is like a ripe, apricot fruit.

The Mystery of the Name Granchester

CC fan and super artist Nuria Marquez explores whether Terry’s surname should be “Grandchester”, “Grantchester”, or “Granchester”.

The Importance of Being Ardlay

CC fan Nuria Marquez searched for where the surname “Ardlay” came from.

The Duke of Hollywood

Essay by CC fan Nuria Marquez on an actor who was a real son of a duke.

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