Anne & Candy

Keiko Nagita Essay No. 1
*Translation provided by Terry’s Angels. 

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  • Terrylia

    These Nagita’s essays are soo interesting and they highlight behind-the-scenes stories that we would never learn had she not revealed them! Kudos to Terry’s Angels that devoted their time to translate these beautiful essays!❤️

    It’s interesting to learn that the prince with the kilt was not originally Nagita’s idea, but Igarashi’s. And, of course, Terry’ character was Nagita’s idea😁. So, more accurately, I think the two “fighting sides” should not be: Albert fans and Terry fans, but…. Igarashi fans and Mizuki fans 😂. I believe, then, it would be safe to assume that Mizuki-san would prefer Terry for Candy, since she adored Terry’s character and was also HERS inspiration.😊

    • Terry

      You made an excellent point! It really is Igarashi fans vs Mizuki/Nagita fans. The Alfans really just want Igarashi’ story. Igarashi should’ve just written her own story with the prince (and millionaire) romance instead of infringing on other authors’ work! Don’t know why she didn’t. You’re also right about Nagita. Throughout the years she has consistently said that she loved Terry and adored his character because he was entirely her own creation.

  • Anneth White

    Anne of Gren Gables!!! A very important story for Nagita!!! A real inspiration for her Candy, that is so lovely!!!

    • Anneth White

      Green*… the favorite color of Candy…

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