Why Terry is Anohito
Clue #3: Terry's Letter to Candy
Clue #3: Terry's Letter to Candy
Why Terry is Anohito

In CCFS, Nagita dropped the bombshell that Susanna is dead, leading us to the possibility that Candy and Terry could be reunited once again. This possibility became a reality when we found out that Terry had written a letter to Candy after Susanna died!!
Here’s what Terry wrote:
Has anything changed?
……. It’s been a year since then.
I had decided in my heart that I would contact you after a year, but I kept hesitating and an additional half a year went by.
I’ve made up my mind and am now putting this letter in the mail box.
——– Nothing about me has changed.
I’m not sure if this letter will be delivered to you, but I just wanted to tell you this.
Dear Candy,
How are you?
A year has passed since then … After this period of time, I had promised myself to write to you, but then, having doubts, I let six months to pass.
Now, however, I took courage and decided to send you this letter.
Nothing has changed for me.
I don’t know if you’ll get to read these words of mine, but I wanted you to know at least this.
T. G.

Holy Cow . . .
There you have it. The big break-up in New York was not the end of Terry and Candy’s love story.
Now, let’s break this letter apart and decipher what it means.
In CCFS, Nagita dropped the bombshell that Susanna is dead, leading us to the possibility that Candy and Terry could be reunited once again. This possibility became a reality when we found out that Terry had written a letter to Candy after Susanna died!!
Here’s what Terry wrote:
I had decided in my heart that I would contact you after a year, but I kept hesitating and an additional half a year went by.
I’ve made up my mind and am now putting this letter in the mail box.

What happened a year and a half ago???
The letter itself is cryptic. Some event happened a year before Terry wanted to write this letter. For unexplained reason(s), he had doubts and hesitations that held him back for another six months before he actually wrote and sent it. It took him courage and nerves to reach out to her.
Nagita did not make it clear what was the big event that happened a year and a half ago. But based on the placement of this letter in CCFS and the order of its appearance, we believe the letter was sent a year and a half after Susanna’s death.
In the second volume of CCFS, the story after Candy left St. Paul’s College was written in the epistolary format. In other words, the rest of the story was told in a series of letters. For a full list of the letters, you can go to this page: CCFS Letters
Significantly, this is the order of appearance of the letters pertaining to Terry’s reappearance in the story after the end of the original manga:
- Letter from Eleanor Baker to Candy, with theater tickets inviting Candy to the Terry’s performance as Hamlet on Broadway. This happened after Rockstown, because Candy said so in her letter back to Eleanor. As to Eleanor’s invite, Candy told her she could not attend because of her promise to Susanna to never see Terry again. – p.271-273.
- Candy’s unsent letter to Terry, telling him all the things she wanted to say to him but no longer could. (We will provide an English translations of this soon.) – p.274-277. Read here.
- Susanna’s letter to Candy, telling Candy how she she was insanely in love with Terry and couldn’t live without him. 🙄 – p. 279-280.
- Candy’s retrospections. – p. 281. Read here.
- A blank page. – p. 282.
- Terry’s letter to Candy, (which we showed above) telling her nothing had changed for him. – p. 283, as shown above.
This is the chronological order of what happened. You can read all the letters on our site here.
Now, Alfans have tried to create doubts by claiming that Terry’s letter to Candy was written a year and half after their separation at St. Paul’s, or a year and a half after their separation in New York. This argument is idiotic. First, Candy and Terry made the decision to never see or contact each other again after Susanna tried to kill herself. So why would Terry then write a letter to Candy a year and half after either of these events? Their decision and promise to Susanna would’ve been meaningless.
Secondly, Nagita did not include a blank page by accident. At Livre Paris, Nagita expressly said that she had left blank pages at certain parts because events had happened in those parts, but she was unable to include those events because of length. She said she left those pages there to allow fans to imagine what the events might be.

So, something happened after Susanna wrote Candy a letter. If Terry reached out to Candy again, it could only be that their promise to Susanna no longer matter. Their promise would no longer matter only if the letter was sent after Susanna’s death. So regardless of what the event might be that Terry referred to in his letter, we can clearly conclude that he sent the letter after Susanna died.

Interesting Notes and Insights
We had a chance to ask Ms. Hanabi, the translator retained by the Terry’s Angels to provide unofficial English translations, some questions about Terry’s letter. Her answers gave us some great, unbiased insights:
Q: Regarding the opening line “Has anything changed?” Is that a general way of how Japanese people greet another person? In other words, is the writer really asking the recipient if something has changed in her life? Or is he just saying something equivalent to “How are you?”
A: With the next question about the opening line, yes, it’s basically a variation of “how are you?,” “what’s new?”
Q: About the sentence “Nothing about me has changed.” We had a lot of disputes about what the exact translation is. We’ve seen variations of: Nothing in me has changed; Nothing has changed for me; As for me, nothing has changed.
A: considering that he asks Candy if anything around her has changed and then goes on to talk about how he had hesitated to contact her for an additional 6 months and how he’s finally letting go of those hesitations and sending the letter in, he’s saying both that nothing around him has changed (external factors) and that his feelings has not changed.
The fact that he doesn’t say “——– Nothing about me has changed.” until he’s explained everything about what happened and why he hadn’t contacted her sooner gives me the sense that he’s trying to convey an “I still love you” or “I long for your” type of feeling towards her but is too shy to say that to her in actual words? Maybe he’s afraid of rejection and/or candy not feeling the same way, so he’s not actually writing it down in actual words.
His last line “I’m not sure if this letter will be delivered to you, but I just wanted to tell you this,” confirms what I said above since he says “I just wanted to tell you this,” but he didn’t really directly mention anything in the letter before it.

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Í found this interesting page with the traditions of mouning in the Victorian era. Being Terence a member of the British Aristocracy, he was raised with those traditions, and also being a very known actor in USA and England, he mustvrespec the traditions. One year is the minimum to mourn a person you are involved in a relationship. And Terence was known in the social media as Susana’s fiancée, but NOT her husband…
When he said “A year has passed” he, for sure, is refering to the year of mourning since susana’s passed away. Something is also clear for Candy.
Hi @Frances, there is no mention of the Duke of Granchester being ill or death in CCFS. And there is no reason for Terry to mourn his father for six months after Susana´s and dont´tell Candy. At least Candy would mention she read something like that about the Duke, but she doesn´t mention anything in the story. It is a consense, from yerryfans, about Terry having one year of mourning period after Susana´s death, as a normal tradition and after that six months of hesitation to write to Candy. Probably he was afraid of a negative news from her part (like being married or not interested in him, but Candy living in Avon surrounded by daffodils at her home shows she answered positively to his love letter!!). Hugs.
Love’s Labour’s Lost is the Shakespeare play that mentions “one year of mourning period”.
So, could we assume that Duke Granchester died six months after Susanna’s death?
It might be the reason why Terry was hesitant to contact Candy. What do you think?
I just hope that when Nagita die, she will write on her testament “Anohito is Terry” lol
I’ve read the spanish candy final story 3 times and the more I read, the more I realize terry is anohito. Pity that Nagita doesn’t want to reveal the truth😞
Hello! I feel a great joy knowing that this group exists. For many years I was not able to cope with the anime and manga anime but I find solace in knowing that there are many of us who love this story so much. Thank you for this website.
Here’s the Korean blog I came across that I found interesting and informative. Some parts will translate to English on Google, but not all…
Hello, again,
I think this will be my last comment on here as I’m pretty satisfied with the result of reading the jist of CCFS in pieces of translations in several different languages. I will definitely let you know if I do at some point find a Korean translation. I do believe there are many subtle clues the author has left for the readers to figure out the final outcome besides the fact of Suzanna’s death and the Terry’s last letter to Candy. Even though we all hated Suzanna for taking Terry away from Candy, she is actually very important. If it wasn’t for her, Terry might have died. The faulty lighting was dangling right above his head, which could have fallen directly onto his head. So, going back to the words,”We can see each other again as long as we’re alive,” it still rings true all the way to the end of the novel. Since Suzanna died just like Anthony did, she’s completely out of the picture and will never come back, and since Candy and Terry are alive, they can see each other again. We already knew how Candy felt about Terry, and since Terry sent that letter to Candy, all is good in this world. NOTHING has changed after a decade!! It was a very long time of separation, but it was meant to be in the end. Candy is supposed to be truly happy with Terry. I’m so grateful to the author for finally getting it out the way it was supposed to be. I can finally heal and move on from my childhood trauma and disappointment… 😀
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First, if you want, come join us in our FB group: https://www.facebook.com/4everterry. There are more Terry and Candy fans there.
We also have been posting our own analysis of how Terry and Candy are back together at the end. https://candycandyfinalstory.com/terry-is-anohito/. Sophie, the French CC fan site webmistress, had written a long article on the list of clues in CCFS pointing to Terry and Candy being together at last. https://candycandyfinalstory.com/terry-is-anohito/candyneige/
Your point about them being alive is so true!!!
I have not studied Italian on Spanish, so I will not be able to read those versions. It’s very disappointing to know that the French version is a “weak” one, which is supposed to arrive in the mail today. I will look through it, but will be more of an souvenir now… 🙁
Since I just found the Korean blog yesterday, I will be looking for the full translation. So far from what I can see, it’s just excerpts. The person who posted it does other blogs as well, so it’s not all about Candy Candy, but the posts regarding CC are very extensive and eye opening. I also plan on calling up Aladin books, which is a major Korean book dsitributor that ship globally via DHL. So far, on their oneline store site, I don’t see the books. I’m getting quite obssessed with this right now. I’m in shock that the final story novel was published more than 10 yrs ago, and I had no idea. I was just living with the disappointment and a broken heart for all these decades… It really is hopeful that the more I read about it the more I can confirm that Candy and Terry are happy together. If the author even said that Terry is happy, that’s the one big reason. Candy was able to be somewhat happy surrounded by loved ones, but Terry only had Candy who can make him happy. If Terry is happy, all is good. I’m so glad that the author was able to finish the story the way she had originally intended without interferences. 🙂
So many of us were heartbroken too!! I was traumatized for many many years! I couldn’t believe Terry and Candy didn’t meet up and get back together at the end of the manga and anime. Not sure if you know, but Yumiko Igarashi, the manga illustrator, manipulated the artwork in the end that caused some confusion about Candy’s feelings. Nagita, the author, had objected to those, and she had said on record that she wrote CCFS to set the story straight, and to write the CC story the way she meant to tell it. In 2019 at the Livre Paris Book Fair, Nagita was asked the question whether Terry is happy. (This is documented on our website.) She confirmed that yes. Terry is happy. Everybody is happy. Like you, we believe that Terry would not be happy without Candy. And if Terry is happy, he must be with Candy again.
Come join us on Facebook if you can. It helped us Terry fans heal to find each other after all these years, and to be able to celebrate CCFS together! https://www.facebook.com/4everterry
I just read the part about the caricatures Candy and Dr. Martin had drawn of Albert when they were looking for him… It says in Korean translated from Japanese (in the 2nd volume of CCFS, page 239),”The caricature/ portrait that I drew of Grandfather William, which doesn’t look like him at all, that he is fond of is hanging in the office at his workplace.”
I don’t know if this is for real because I never saw or read the original Japanese version of the books, but if this is the case, Candy is definitely NOT living with Albert/ Grandfather William.
There’s a lot of content here. I looked at many pages and also the manga with English translation. I noticed that there are some dialogs missing compared to the Korean copies. I was able to buy the 5 manga book set later on after I moved from Korea. When Terry talks to himself after Suzanna confesses her love to him that he won’t ever change his mind about loving Candy, he also says,”No matter what happens.” I think that’s kind of important… There are a few lines like that are missing/ omitted. With that in mind, I looked at a Korean blog that analyzed CCFS book from Japanese to Korean. The korean language has very similar word order and sentence structure that comes very close that it could be the closest possible translation. When Candy addresses Albert, it’s always with a, “Mr.” as in he is not similar in age/ partner level like with Anthony or Terry. It would be a very awkward situation to have to change that as a boyfriend if that was the case… also talking to him in the formal form. With all that in mind, I placed an order of the French version (to read with my high school level of knowledge…LOL) because they use the formal form when speaking with older people as well. I’m very curious to see how they would have translated everything. If they have Candy calling him just Albert, I’ll know if the translation is truly biased. Also, in the Korean blog, which was translated directly from Japanese, Terry wrote the letter to Candy AFTER Suzanna had died. It doesn’t guess, it just lists the event chronologically. It also analyzes the letter Terry wrote to Candy…when Terry says that he has not changed, in Korean, to say someone has not changed, it’s more of a mental state than physical, as in their mindset about something. I’m so glad to have found the blog as well. I wanted to list the link here for you to see for yourself, but the google translation doesn’t translate the inserted texts. It all makes sense that Candy and Terry are back together again and living happily ever after. The author just made it vague for all readers to be happy. She left all kinds of clues throughout the novel for us to put the pieces together.
Hi Linda, this is so interesting to know about the Korean blog!! Regarding the English manga, we have no affiliation with it. We don’t know who translated it, from which edition and which language, or who uploaded it. It’s obviously a fan project, and we send you the link only so you can see what happened in the manga. As for CCFS translations, the French translation is actually very bad. According the Sophie, who runs the top CC website in France (http://www.candyneige.com), the translator translated the book like a children’s book, and a lot of the nuances and poetic language Nagita wrote was lost. The Italian and Spanish official translations are better. If you can read either of these languages, we recommend you look to those instead. We also are currently translating CCFS into English. Our translation is directly from Japanese, done by a native Japanese translator, and as accurate as can be.
BTW, is there a fully fan-translated version of CCFS in Korean online?? If so, we’d love to share the news.
Thank you so much for the manga link. I found myself watching the 115 episodes of the anime on YouTube on high speed to get to the important parts over the weekend. I watched it all when I was a kid, but I didn’t realize how much was dedicated to scenes with Terry and then just ended so chaotically with not much closure that now I can totally see how the true/ original ending was altered and abruptly decided upon. It reminded me of how upset and disappointed I was even as a young girl watching the last episode. There was so much energy spent and tears shed, and then we were served with such a weak and meaningless ending. It feels as if this huge mystery or a riddle has been solved. I even remember my mom telling me to console me that Candy is just happy being surrounded by all her friends and Albert/ Uncle William. I certainly was still not convinced and quite mad/ unsatisfied that nothing came of Candy and Terry after all that. I just knew that the forced “love” between Terry and Suzanna couldn’t and wouldn’t last. My heart is so much at peace now. Thank you again! This story may have started as a manga, but I’m really happy that it was later written as a full novel that doesn’t need any illustrations and turns out to be better than the manga or the anime. I’m so grateful to the author to have kept it true as she had originally intended and still keeping the readers happy.
Hi Linda! We’re sooo glad we were able to give you some kind of closure. The Candy Terry break up really traumatized a lot of us, and many of us were children when we watched the anime or read the manga. Terry is such an intense, unforgettable character too. We very much wanted to see him and Candy happy together. We NEVER forgave Suzanna for breaking them up. It was trauma that lasted for decades until some of us CC fans found each other when the internet became widely used. And the fandom grew from there. The Spanish speaking fans are extremely active online and on Facebook.
Anyway, we hope you enjoy visiting the rest of this site, especially the parts where we documented CC author Keiko Nagita’s visit to the Livre Paris Book Fair in 2019. We learned a lot more about the story from her interviews there.
Also, there are some fantastic CT fanfics you might enjoy, where fans who love Candy and Terry tried to fill in missing parts of what happened to our favorite couple with their own imagination. These fanfics are very popular in the CT fandom! You can check them out on our page here: https://candycandyfinalstory.com/fanfics/
Come back and visit. We’ll be posting new translated chapters this month.
OMG, I just found this website, and I’m losing my mind, but gaining sanity at the same time. I so wish the books would be translated into English or even into Korean. I’m actually surprised that they aren’t translated into Korean, but I could be wrong since I haven’t lived there for more than 3 decades. I’m so grateful to find out that Candy and Terry are possibly together again. It’s so bitter sweet that it’s not obviously written, but having Suzanna dead definitely has a purpose. I need to go celebrate. 😀 Thank you so much!
-Linda (I came from Korea when I was a teen in 1987. I was so upset I couldn’t bring my Candy manga books with me at the time.)
Hi Linda! We’re so glad you found us. There is currently no official Korean translation, and an official English translation is unlikely. But we are working toward creating an unofficial English translated version. It’ll take time but eventually we will get most of CCFS translated. Sorry you couldn’t keep your Candy manga books back then. An English version of the old manga can be read online here: https://www.mangago.org/candy-candy.
And yes, we’re veeeery glad to hear Terry is finally free!!!
СПАСИБО!!! Как согревает сердце этот сайт. Очень счастлива, что Терри решился написать письмо. Очень жду переводы новых отрывков из удивительной книги. Бесконечно жаль, что нигде нет переводов на русский язык. Спасибо за возможность читать о любимой паре на английском. Успехов вам и вдохновения, не останавливайтесь!
I love this site!! Thank you ♡
Hi Karyna, thank you and we’re glad you stopped by. Come back again soon. We have more CCFS translations coming.
Bonjour Carmen
Tu trouveras les deux volumes de la traduction française sous les titres suivants : Candy White l’orpheline (1), Le prince de la colline (2) aux éditions Pika.
Cette traduction est très critiquée non seulement pour sa pauvreté dans le style et le vocabulaire mais aussi par le fait qu’elle a été modifiée, déformée, manipulée pour orienter, voire influencer le lecteur sur l’identification de Anohito.
Tu trouveras toute une analyse, preuves à l’appui, du travail de sabotage effectué sur cette traduction qui ne correspond en rien au travail effectué sur l’italienne et sur l’espagnole.
Bonne lecture !!!
S’il vous plaît quelqu’un peut me renseigner : après l’anime qu’elle sont les livres qu’il faut lire et ou les trouver pour la traduction française si vous savez écrivez moi ici ou sur mon compte instagrame carmen_amn
Merci d’avance
S’il vous plaît quelqu’un peut me renseigner: a la fin de la série qu’elle sont les livres qu’il lire et ou les trouver
Merci d’avance
Hi Steluta Carmen Mirea!! Thank you for leaving us your message. We’ll be updating this site with more posts in September. Also, more translations are coming. Be sure to bookmark the English translation page!!
OmG !. Hell yessssss I love this website.!
Sensei Nagita knew how to move her chess pieces well, regardless of the order of the cards, the few lines of Terry in her letter said that “nothing has changed for me” imagine Candy’s face to read this, everything had a reason.♥️