Why Terry is Anohito
Clue #5: Who Created Terry and POTH
Clue #5: Who Created Terry and POTH
Why Terry is Anohito

The Creators of Terry and the POTH
The Creators of
Terry and the POTH
How were Terry and the Prince on the Hill, two important characters in the story Candy Candy, created?

In the Blog where Nagita exchanged ideas with her fans (back at the end of the 90s) after she wrote the manga and the old novels of Candy Candy, Nagita confessed some details about how some of her characters were created. These are her words that show in part a conversation she had in her mind with her characters, written as a dialog she had with them:
“When I wrote the original work of Candy, I imagined the story and settings as a play, especially the “May festival” scene.
“Romeo and Juliette” (from Shakespeare, its costumes, Terius . . . )
– So Terius, do you aspire to do theater . . . like your mom?
For me it was clear and certain, (or rather, Terius’s will) at the May festival
When I think about it . . . Terius G. Granchester, the character name that I spent the most time searching. Not ordinary, a name that was memorable like a poem.
Among the various character names, I felt a palpitation when I discovered the name of “Terius” in the corner of the library in a Shakespeare work collection, it was not the main role, however had a name that emitted light.
Terry’s fate may have been determined since he got his name from Shakespeare: A person born to be an actor.”
So it is clear from her confession, Shakespeare works had a strong influence on her, and she wanted to insert in her own story an episode similar to Romeo and Juliet (a couple in love), where her characters wore the costumes, and also the male character would be an actor (like his mother), and his name would emit light. We find all of these elements in her CCFS, where:

Terence is the main male character entirely associated with Shakespeare, being an actor in King Lear, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet´s plays in the Candy Candy Story (the manga, the anime and all the novels)

May Festival
At the May Festival, Candy had the opportunity to wear those Romeo and Juliet´s costumes, and when she was dressed as Juliet, she danced with Terry and was kissed by him (they were deep in love in the story, after that event).

Terence belongs to the Stratford theater company, and that theater name is directly associated to the town in Great Britain Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born and was buried, surrounded by daffodils. This was a town Nagita mentioned to her fans in 2019 during Livre Paris, after she received the question why did she added the daffodils to CCFS. She said she visited England and she wanted to add those flowers, which represented that country and the poem of a famous British poet she likes so much: Wordsworth.

The fact that daffodils are also entirely associated with Terry was confirmed by Sophie (webmistress of the oldest and more complete website for Candy Candy in France) who personally talked to and met with Nagita in Paris, and by the fact that Nagita, at the private afternoon tea for the press organized by Pika (publishing enterprise), shouted the name “Terry” when she saw the bouquet of daffodils, which Sophie brought from her own garden to give to Nagita as a welcome to France gift.

Terry Associated with
The name of Wordsworth poem is “I wandered as a lonely cloud”, and it talks about a lonely person who enjoys the view of thousand daffodils in valleys and mountains. And just the daffodils are mentioned in CCFS, when candy tripped over Terry in the middle of the daffodils at Saint Paul. And then he said to Candy he was enjoying the smell of the daffodils, as opposed to the stone she thought he was who couldn’t that.
Also, there is a more private revelation in the story’s postface, when Nagita said that Candy took her (in Nagita’s mind of course), to see the painting of Pony’s Hill at Candy´s married home in Great Britain, and the entire room was surrounded by the fragrance of daffodils. This was an open and clear clue of the male character whom Candy loved so much. The clue of the one who was her husband, Terence—the Shakespearean actor of British birth, who loves the scent of daffodils.

Terry Associated with Daffodils
The name of Wordsworth poem is “I wandered as a lonely cloud”, and it talks about a lonely person who enjoys the view of thousand daffodils in valleys and mountains. And just the daffodils are mentioned in CCFS, when candy tripped over Terry in the middle of the daffodils at Saint Paul. And then he said to Candy he was enjoying the smell of the daffodils, as opposed to the stone she thought he was who couldn’t that.
Also, there is a more private revelation in the story’s postface, when Nagita said that Candy took her (in Nagita’s mind of course), to see the painting of Pony’s Hill at Candy´s married home in Great Britain, and the entire room was surrounded by the fragrance of daffodils. This was an open and clear clue of the male character whom Candy loved so much. The clue of the one who was her husband, Terence—the Shakespearean actor of British birth, who loves the scent of daffodils.

Terence’s name emitted light. In CCFS we read several times the light Candy saw when she was with him: at the London zoo when he smiled; when she heard the music coming from the music room at St Paul, while Terry was playing the piano; the light she felt inside in a dark, cold and scary punishment room at the school, thinking about Terry; the light she saw when the ship was taking Terry to America when he left Saint Paul to save her honor; and the light her husband switch on when she was in the darkness at her living room at the end of the story.

Eleanor Baker
Eleanor Baker, a famous theater actress and movie star, was Terence’s mother in CCFS. She was also owner of an old and wonderful Shakespeare’s library, with books that had leather covers, which enchanted Candy at Scotland (in Terry’s Villa). Terry had the book of Macbeth covered in leather in his hand when encountered Candy for the first time in Scotland, and he confessed it was her mother’s book. That library probably was a gift from the Duke to Eleanor (her lover) when they lived with the little Terence in that Villa. It all fits with the theme of Shakespeare books with leather cover, as Candy has the same at her British home. The presence of leather-bound Shakespearean books makes it so clear she was living with the actor.

At the end, Nagita altered the dramatic finale of the separation of Terry and Candy to a happy one in her CCFS, with so many elements of her favorite writer, Shakespeare.
There is a tender revelation in which Nagita also demonstrated her love for the theater:
“I was in the second year of (senior) high school when I took the recruiting test for research student at the Theatrical Company Shiki. Although I didn’t expect much, I was lucky enough to be among the six people accepted. In the interview, I was asked by Mr. Keita Asari (President of the Shiki Theatrical Company): “If you pass, what will you do with high school?” “I will quit” I said half seriously. However, now that I was accepted, my mother was opposed to it.
However, being older, Nagita had the opportunity to attend that theater school for a year, and she said she used to recite Ophelia´s dialog (from the Hamlet play).
Although she had the skill to be an actress, her mother didn´t allow her to be one. But It is clear that she transformed that disappointment into an opportunity to write the marvelous story we know as Candy Candy Final Story.
In the Blog where Nagita exchanged ideas with her fans (back at the end of the 90s) after she wrote the manga and the old novels of Candy Candy, Nagita confessed some details about how some of her characters were created. These are her words that show in part a conversation she had in her mind with her characters, written as a dialog she had with them:
“When I wrote the original work of Candy, I imagined the story and settings as a play, especially the “May festival” scene.
“Romeo and Juliette” (from Shakespeare, its costumes, Terius . . . )
– So Terius, do you aspire to do theater . . . like your mom?
For me it was clear and certain, (or rather, Terius’s will) at the May festival
When I think about it . . . Terius G. Granchester, the character name that I spent the most time searching. Not ordinary, a name that was memorable like a poem.
Among the various character names, I felt a palpitation when I discovered the name of “Terius” in the corner of the library in a Shakespeare work collection, it was not the main role, however had a name that emitted light.
Terry’s fate may have been determined since he got his name from Shakespeare: A person born to be an actor.”
So it is clear from her confession, Shakespeare works had a strong influence on her, and she wanted to insert in her own story an episode similar to Romeo and Juliet (a couple in love), where her characters wore the costumes, and also the male character would be an actor (like his mother), and his name would emit light. We find all of these elements in her CCFS, where we find:
- Eleanor Baker, a famous theater actress and movie star, was Terence’s mother in CCFS. She was also owner of an old and wonderful Shakespeare’s library, with books that had leather covers, which enchanted Candy at Scotland (in Terry’s Villa).
- Terry had the book of Macbeth covered in leather in his hand when encountered Candy for the first time in Scotland, and he confessed it was her mother’s book. That library probably was a gift from the Duke to Eleanor (her lover) when they lived with the little Terence in that Villa. It all fits with the theme of Shakespeare books with leather cover, as Candy has the same at her British home.
- The presence of leather-bound Shakespearean books makes it so clear she was living with the actor.

Prince on the Hill
And now, an important question has arisen about the other principal character of the story: Does the Prince of the Hill (Albert) have the same Shakespearean origin? Well, Nagita in her blog described how his origin came to being too:
A notable addition on the CCFS story is the presence of daffodils.
They first are encountered at Candy’s description of the surroundings outside her house as an adult woman.
“… I went out in the large terrace. The Avon river flows slowly, bathed in the afternoon light of the early spring. From the water a cool wind soothes the tension of my agitated thoughts. I fill my chest with the sweet fragrance of the daffodils which comes from the garden. They are in full bloom and I owe to them those golden reflexes that seemed to filter through the trees.”
The second time we encounter the daffodils, is at the scene of teenager Candy stumbling on Terry’s body at St. Paul’s college.
Here’s a brief description of the scene:
Terry was lying on the ground, hidden within the daffodils buds, in St. Paul’s college. Candy stumbles on him and falls on him.
With his usual boyish and cocky behaviour, he teases Candy while trying to help her. Just like a young girl, who starts to notice a boy, she dismisses him on the spot, she excuses herself and blames him for lying down like a stone.
“Stones can’t smell daffodils.” He says.
In such an unexpected reply, Candy is trying to get to her normal self but instead she looks at him and recalls his accidental entering in her room when he was injured but he looks absolutely fine now.
Terry returns back to his usual behaviour and she complains how she went out to fetch medicine for him that night only to return and find him nowhere. Of course the admission from Candy, of his weak state and how she wanted to help him, kicks in the usual “defence” mechanism of Terry which is to turn inwards and shut everyone else out by turning standoffish and rude very quickly.
Candy reacts in the same way, feeling hurt. She runs away.
The POV of the story here changes and the reader is inside Terry’s head. He remarks how Candy for the first time said his name, he has heard her saying his name and a smile is drawn of his face.
This scene above is a pivotal one in Candy’s and Terry’s budding relationship as teenagers. Candy for the first time speaks of the boy’s name, Terry. He notices and smiles – something he very rarely does.
The relationship is still immature – The daffodils are in the budding state.
Finally, the last time the reader encounters the daffodils again in CCFS is in the Afterword, where Candy takes her creator (Nagita) by the hand inside the room to show her Slim’s painting.
The perfume of the daffodils drifts inside the room from the open window…
Without writing a PhD thesis on daffodils and how they are connected with Terrence Grandchester, looking at the simplest representation of things is always the best approach in plot analysis.
Based on a multitude of authors describing the writing process, the words come out from deep within themselves, while they are almost like they are in a trance. A writer is desperate to tell a story, and while most of the words you read come from the writer’s subconscious mind, most often than not, they don’t sit down for hours, confusing the text with riddles and nuances, which more likely than not, can cause severe migraines to the readers.
Believe it or not, Nagita did not write Candy’s story to torture us with brain gymnastics, looking for every minutiae and cultural references to make sense of what’s happening.
The symbolisms are simple and straight to the point. In this case, when the relationship between Candy and Terry as teenagers was still resembling an unripe fruit, a significant scene takes place where Candy says his name for the first time while he’s hidden within the daffodil buds.
Fast forward to Candy in her thirties, her house garden harbours daffodils in bloom. The relationship is now fully mature. The fragrance is inside the house. The peak of its maturity which means they should be in an adult relationship for a few years.

Older Brother
Her account began by saying that she created the Ardlay family with Albert being 12-years-old and was in school. At that time, his father became ill, and for two years he had to face this situation until unfortunately his father died, so this Ardlay family was the backdrop of his story in the midst of sadness. This Ardlay family was originally made up of an attractive older brother, a second daughter named Nana, a very intelligent younger sister, and two younger brothers (sister and brother), with a magnanimous dad and a sweet and pretty mother. The original idea of the make-up of this family seemed boring, and it finally discarded.
Nagita father died when she was twelve. Ten years after his death, her mother also passed away, and writing about Candy helped her find comfort. Further, Nagita said that she used to think she was Nana, the younger sister of that handsome older brother.

Western Children's Books
Nagita was 19 years old and writing short stories about romances for teen magazines when the editor of Nakayoshi magazine asked her to write a serialized novel as a manga and proposed for her to work with Yumiko Igarashi, a renowned cartoonist. This was what Nagita said about this proposal:
“I was surprised by this unexpected question. I was impressed by Igarashi’s manga drawings, but she worked on themes about Japan. My work was about foreigners (an exotic fable). Our works were different … But maybe it would be (or would become) something fun, so my heart began to pound at the proposal. I was impressed by the ability she demonstrated in her stories. Igarashi liked Anne of the Green Gables too, so she was also interested in working with me . . .
Once the work was defined, the concept of the main story for teenage girls was the same: “To stand up to adversities and triumph over them.”
Nagita said that the famous stories at that time about girls were Ann of the Green Gables, Daddy long legs, Polyana, 8 cousins, The secret garden, Little Princess Sara, and Little Women.

Yumiko Igarashi
Later she said something very interesting. She recounted her encounter with Igarashi for the first time and her perception of what the story could be:
Igarashi and I wanted this girl to fascinate everyone as no one had done before. It was November 11, and I was always running against time. I wanted to get to the meeting on time. But I couldn’t because my coat was shaped like a tulip. I always liked to name the clothes . . . Igarashi and the editor in charge had already arrived at the cafe.
Igarashi and I liked each other since our first meeting . . . The great story of the girl was progressing favorably . . . Most artists of the Shojo genre do not stick to the original manuscript. Many of the great artists prefer to work alone. Igarashi was one of those great artists. She said she felt better if she didn’t have to reach a final decision in an easy way about the story. The images of the manga that Igarashi would create had to be as she decided, and so IGARASHI said, “I want to draw a boy wearing a kilt”.
“In that case he would be a Scottish immigrant,” the magazine editor said.
The birth of the Ardlay family was overflowed by a great spirit.
If Igarashi had not given me that great image as an artist, the meeting of Candy and the Prince would not have been so impressive.
Incidentally, later I stayed in a “bed and breakfast” in Scotland. I spoke poor English to an older lady, and I referred to her people asas “English people.”
“No . . . we are not English. We are Scots,” she said.
“Yes . . . yes . . . as will be Aunt Ardlay,” I thought.
Igarashi made the first drawings in that cafe . . .
This is how we see clear elements of this story in CCFS:
– The Prince Of The Hill was a boy of Scottish descent who wore kilt the first time he met Candy on Pony Hill.
– Elroy was an elderly authoritarian woman who paid homage to her Scottish ancestors.
So, it was not Nagita who invented the Scottish prince dressed in kilt, it was an idea that emerged in a cafe while talking with Igarashi for the first time and the editor of the magazine. This clearly explains why Nagita wrote in the preface to her novel that she wanted to get away from previous works, and had Albert ask Candy to “stop calling him prince because, that gives me the creeps or gives urticaria (versions of the Italian / French translation).

Yumiko Igarashi
Later she said something very interesting. She recounted her encounter with Igarashi for the first time and her perception of what the story could be:
Igarashi and I wanted this girl to fascinate everyone as no one had done before. It was November 11, and I was always running against time. I wanted to get to the meeting on time. But I couldn’t because my coat was shaped like a tulip. I always liked to name the clothes . . . Igarashi and the editor in charge had already arrived at the cafe.
Igarashi and I liked each other since our first meeting . . . The great story of the girl was progressing favorably . . . Most artists of the Shojo genre do not stick to the original manuscript. Many of the great artists prefer to work alone. Igarashi was one of those great artists. She said she felt better if she didn’t have to reach a final decision in an easy way about the story. The images of the manga that Igarashi would create had to be as she decided, and so IGARASHI said, “I want to draw a boy wearing a kilt”.
“In that case he would be a Scottish immigrant,” the magazine editor said.
The birth of the Ardlay family was overflowed by a great spirit.
If Igarashi had not given me that great image as an artist, the meeting of Candy and the Prince would not have been so impressive.
Incidentally, later I stayed in a “bed and breakfast” in Scotland. I spoke poor English to an older lady, and I referred to her people asas “English people.”
“No . . . we are not English. We are Scots,” she said.
“Yes . . . yes . . . as will be Aunt Ardlay,” I thought.
Igarashi made the first drawings in that cafe . . .
This is how we see clear elements of this story in CCFS:
– The Prince Of The Hill was a boy of Scottish descent who wore kilt the first time he met Candy on Pony Hill.
– Elroy was an elderly authoritarian woman who paid homage to her Scottish ancestors.
So, it was not Nagita who invented the Scottish prince dressed in kilt, it was an idea that emerged in a cafe while talking with Igarashi for the first time and the editor of the magazine. This clearly explains why Nagita wrote in the preface to her novel that she wanted to get away from previous works, and had Albert ask Candy to “stop calling him prince because, that gives me the creeps or gives urticaria (versions of the Italian / French translation).

And so, the most relevant of the revelations:
– The original idea was about a handsome older brother, with a sister named Nana. Something that was shown in CCFS.
– When Albert told Candy his great secret, that the nickname his sister Rosemary used to call him was Bert, it become the nickname used by Candy when she wrote to him, and she took it to the extreme when she turned it into “Little Bert”. The nickname clearly shows that this is the relationship that identifies them, and that it was mentioned many times in the manga directly.”
– When Albert left the Magnolia apartment, and when Candy found him in the forest later on, she told him that she felt he was the brother she never had. In turn, Albert in both versions of the story (manga and novel) was shown as that protective brother, especially for being older than her and for having witnessed the many injustices that his own Ardlay family committed against her.

So we have a British actor who relates entirely to Shakespeare, created by Nagita without any help, and a Scottish descendent of an Ardlay family, created in a café by Nagita, Igarashi, and the editor of the magazine, with an old idea of a big handsome brother and a sister, just as they are shown in CCFS, where Albert did not want to be called an adoptive father for his being so young, but said that he wanted to take care Candy, before he had the accident in Italy. This is the history of how these two characters were created. Terry was entirely hers. Albert was a creation by multiple people, but specially Igarashi, who wanted a story with a Scottish Prince dressed with a kilt.

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Gracias a ti por leer @Ceimar. Esperamos sigas disfrutando de la información publicada en esta página que siempre es confirmada desde fuentes originales para evitar confusion.
Gracias y felicitaciones por todo el contenido e información brindada a millones de fans.
Спасибо огромное за этот сайт и такую замечательную подборку информации на нем! В свои 33 пересмотрела аниме и оно, так же, как и в детстве взбудоражило мое сердце) История созданная авторам потрясающая! Зная о различиях в аниме и манге, конечно хотелось бы прочесть оригинал. Жаль, что заменили случайную встречу после расставания Кенди с Терри (хотя ему и показалось, что это всего лишь его воображение) с захудалого театра на не совсем понятную встречу Терри с Альбертом и последняя серия в аниме почти лишало возможности даже мечтать о воссоединении этих двух влюбленных… Но судя по последнему роману о Кенди, учитывая информацию предоставленную в том числе на данном сайте, все закончилось торжеством настоящих чувств и наши любимые герои, пусть даже потеряв столько лет, смогли стать счастливыми)))
А еще, интересно, если бы не годы судебных разбирательств за авторские права на Кенди, было бы написано более прямолинейное продолжение этой истории. Более полное и открытое, без всяких там оговорок (хотя мы все и убеждены, что оговорок нет и мужем Кенди, конечно, является Терри!!!) Не было бы этих пустых страниц в последнем романе, ведь как сказала сама Нагита, они символизируют огромное количество событий, которые она в силу возраста не смогла бы написать и вместить в роман. А так гляди и было бы еще много книг про жизнь этой замечательной девочки)…
Thank you so much! We’re so glad you found us. This story and the characters are very dear to us too. We created this site to keeping the memories of this story alive, and it is our pleasure to bring closure to all the Candy & Terry fans who are still just now finding out that they’re bad together again!!!
Se debe tener presente que el anime no es de Nagita, ella, la dibujante Igarashi y la editorial cedieron los derechos del anime para que Toei hiciera el anime y esta empresa de animación tuvo libertad para añadir personajes, sacar escenas del manga y añadir episodios. La misma Nagita comentó en Paris que no lo había visto completo y no le agradaba mucho. Y ¿por qué no decir el nombre de Terry como ano hito si es tan claro en la novela?, por que Nagita no quiere desilusionar a las antiguas fans. las que creyeron que Candy y Albert terminaban juntos, sabiendo que Terry tenía que hacerse cargo de Susana como retribución por quedar inválida y salvarle la vida. Pero finalmente Nagita termina esa parte de la historia en CCFS!! Susana murió y Terry nunca se casó con ella, además de volver a Gran Bretaña con Hamlet. Por fin Nagita cierra todos los eventos que quedaron inconclusos… Candy vive en Gran Bretaña teniendo al menos 36 años y solo podría vivir en la orilla del rio Avon (rio de Shakespeare) con Terry, rodeada con sus libros y con los narcisos!!!
Es maravilloso cómo has recopilado toda la información disponible en un solo sitio.
Muchos datos y los había leído aquí y allá pero es más fácil analizarlos estando juntos.
El final del animé fue traumático. Yo tenía como doce años cuando lo vi y no podía entender cómo sacaron a Terry de la historia.
El año pasado me enteré de la existencia de la novela en español y este año finalmente la pude tener en mis manos. Fue un gran alivio enterarme que Candy y Terry estaban finalmente juntos.
Gracias por tan valiosa información, aunque pienso que Nagita dejó la ambigüedad por la Alfans, cuando yo vi la serie, la serie ya tenía años y por alguna razón nunca terminaba de ver el final, pero una amiga me dijo un día: Candy se quedó con Albert, entonces algunas fans pensaban que con Albert se había quedado, mientras que Terry se quedó solo, es algo que me dolió mucho ya que Terry se tuvo que quedar con Susanna por el accidente, no lo veía justo, ya que era una gran personaje.
Gracias por traducir esos ensayos.
Excelente información esto lo había leído en el blog de nagita. Albert creado por ella para el papel de su hermano mayor y fie igarishi ybelnequipo editor la idea de un príncipe. Dese un inicio Albert fue hecho para ser el hermano de candy.
Ok; and why didn’t she reveal who was anohito? If Albert was created as an old brother was is so complicated to say who’s anohito? Honestly this makes no scene. Most of the Candy fans are in love of Terry. So what will she disappoint the fans by reveling who’s on Candys side?
Porque entonces Nagita tenía muchas limitaciones. Por eso reescribir la novela en el 2010. Sin embargo sigue dejando la ambigüedad en el nombre más no en el desarrollo de la historia porque son claros los puntos que hablan de Terey. Esa ambigüedad es por las fans antiguas y no desilusionar lo que ellas hasta el momento creen. Pero nosotras las terrytanas estamos seguras que es Terry.