Why Terry is Anohito
Clue #4: Candy's Feelings
Clue #4: Candy's Feelings
Why Terry is Anohito

In CCFS, one of Candy’s retrospections was about her reaction to the news of Susanna’s death. We have provided the English translation of that part on this page, which has translated excerpts of all of Candy’s retrospections about her experience when she broke up with Terry in New York. But for convenience’s sake, here it is again:
Candy’s Feelings on Susanna and her Death
CCFS Vol 2. Japanese edition, p. 281
It has already been several years since I saw Suzanna Marlow’s obituary. I only read that article once, but it has stuck to my memory.
Suzanna has passed away . . .
The moment I found out, I fell down into my couch as if all the strength left my body. I couldn’t breathe, and tears would not stop flowing out of my eyes.
In the obituary, there was a photo of Suzanna smiling in her wheelchair. I learned that Suzanna was composing dramatic pieces while doing her job as a narrator. The article stated that a few of her compositions had been played.
It was commonly known that she was close with Terius Graham. They lived together and he supported her as she fought against her illness. However, Suzanna and Terius were only engaged, and never got married.
The discourse from Terius has not been disclosed.
Candy Never Stopped Loving Terry
Let’s look at Candy in this scene in CCFS where her memories harkened back to this awful, pathetic woman. Poor Candy. She read the obituary only once, but in her thoughts, she told us that every word of the obituary was engraved in her mind. Thinking of the obituary, Candy slumped on her sofa. Her energy was depleted and her breathing stopped. Even now, while she was living with Anohito, presumably married to him, she could not stop crying when she recalled these memories.
If Candy wasn’t still in love with Terry all this time, would she feel such immense pain? Would she still be crying non-stop if she had found happiness with another man? Sorry but, if she was indeed with someone else (like Albert for example), and she would still fall into such a grave state of depression about an ex-lover from her teenage years, then this marriage is absolutely FUBAR.

"Everybody is happy"
Let us go one step further. At the Livre Paris Book Fair in 2019, Nagita told Sophie, the webmistress of the biggest French Candy Candy website, that “Everybody is happy.” Nagita made this revelation during the VIP tea at the Ladurée, held for book bloggers and French CC fans.
Who else could’ve cured Candy of her pain and make her happy again except for Terry?
Considering that Terry remained continuously in love with Candy (see our discussion in Clue #4), and Candy’s continuous pain of her break up with him, how could either of them be happy if it weren’t fo the fact that they finally reunited with each other?

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I just found this site and all the analisys are so deep.
Is there a way to receive notifications about your posts?
Great page!!!
Bonjour, j’ai lu quelque part la réponse de Keiko Nagita concernant le fait qu’elle n’a pas mis le nom de ANOHITO pour ne pas offenser les AF mais je ne la trouve plus
Bonjour Véronique,
Nagita a écrit ceci dans un message adressé à ses lecteurs à la fin de la nouvelle Final Story.
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