Anohito in CCFS

In CCFS, Keiko Nagita added many never written before parts of the story. The most intriguing part—and most controversial—is the addition of “Anohito” (あのひと). In Japanese, “Anohito” means “that person”, and the gender of the person is male. In CCFS, Anohito is the man with whom Candy is living at the end of the story. The controversy arose because Nagita decided not to definitively identify who exactly is Anohito.
In her live interview in Paris during the Livre Paris Book Festival, Nagita said that there are many reasons why she does not want to disclose the identity of Anohito, and she apologizes to the fans for that. Her consistent position as to Anohito is that the fans can imagine him to be whoever they wish him to be.
That said, after reading CCFS in its entirety, we have no doubt that Terry is Anohito. Nagita has left many, many details in CCFS that indisputably points to Terry as Anohito. Here, we will give you all the clues and reasons why this is the case.
So sit back, get yourself a cup of tea, and enjoy browsing our pages as we bring you the truth about Anohito and CCFS.
And if you know other Terry fans who are searching for answers, share this site and help them find their way home, to the house by Avon River on Stratford, where the scent of daffodils pervade the garden, and Candy and Terry finally are living happily ever after.