Candy & Me

(Translations of Keiko Nagita’s Essays)


Nagita's Essays
~ When I Met Candy ~

During her copyright trial against Yumiko Igarashi, Nagita authorized the reprint of a series of her essays, “When I Met Candy,” for Candy Candy fans who were interested in the creation behind the story of Candy.  These essays are posted on Nagita’s own site:  Her site is dormant, but the essays are still posted there.

These essays give us a very deep, behind-the-scene look at Nagita’s thoughts about the story, and fascinating new revelations. They also give us many pieces of clear and unequivocal evidence that Terry is the one whom she had written as Candy’s love in the end of CCFS. (See especially the entry “Special Contributions from Notes of Candy”.)

And now, we are delighted to share with you the full translations of her essays. Enjoy!

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